M.Ed. Civic Education: Application

Two steps for studying in the M. Ed. Civic Education

1. You have completed your B.Ed. studies (or are at least in the final stages)

To be eligible for the M.Ed. Social Studies, you must have completed a teaching-related bachelor's degree 
- at a university in Rhineland-Palatinate
- with social studies as 1st or 2nd subject and
- the focus on teaching at grammar schools (Gymnasien)
or have an equivalent degree.
It is sufficient if you can prove 135 of the required 180 LP at the time of application. I.e.: You can be enrolled in both the Bachelor's and the Master's program at the same time for one semester, namely if you have already (largely) completed your Bachelor's program, but not all credit points have been credited and/or your Bachelor's certificate has not yet been issued.
You must prove that you have a Bachelor's degree by the end of the 1st semester in the Master's program, i.e. by March 31 at the latest if your first semester is a winter semester, by September 30 at the latest if your first semester is a summer semester); otherwise your admission to the Master's program will expire.


2. You apply on time and online.

Since the M.Ed. Social Studies is not subject to admission restrictions, and admission is possible for the winter and summer semesters, there is nothing to stop you from applying online on time (between 1.4. and 1.9. for the winter semester and between 1.10. and 1.3. for the summer semester). And if you have obtained your Bachelor of Education at JGU, then the simplified transfer is available to you.


We look forward to your application!