Welcome to the Department of Political Science at the University of Mainz

The Department of Political Science is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Media, and Sports of Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. Our English web pages offer information on the Department itself and its units, as well as on our teaching and research. A total of 1.477 undergraduates and graduate students are currently enrolled at the Department (last update: October 2024). In Political Science we have 760 students in the B. A. programme (485 as a major), 64 in the M. A. programme "Empirical Democracy Studies", 90 in the M. A. programme "Political Ecomony and International Relations" and 23 in the trinational M. A. in European Studies; in "Civics" for high-school teachers, we have 308 students in the B. Ed. programme, 169 in the M. Ed. programme and 52 in the certificate programme for high school teachers. In addition, 11 graduates are currently working towards a Ph. D. in Political Science.



The Department of Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg University looks back on a history of five decades of politics as an academic discipline in Mainz. In the early 1960s, long before the social sciences became a recognized academic division of their own in German universities, two chairs for the "Science of Politics" were already established in Mainz - one in the Faculty of Philosophy, the other in the Faculty of Law. A decade later, these chairs were integrated into what became the Department of Political Science. Today, the Department is a vigorous entity, home of app. 40 faculty members, all of whom are dedicated both to teaching and to research.